Co-Editor sought for the Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship / Revue canadienne de bibliothéconomie universitaire / Poste de corédacteur ou corédactrice de la Revue canadienne de bibliothéconomie universitaire / Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship CAPAL Digital Accessibility in Academic Libraries (DAAL) community of practice webinar
Recording of “Librarians and PhDs: a Panel”
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The CAPAL Research and Scholarship Committee hosted “Librarians and PhDs: a Panel”, July 12th, 2023
A discussion about getting or having a PhD as a librarian.
Featuring Roger Chabot, Carol Leibiger, Sam Popowich and Michael Ridley.
Moderated by Maureen Babb
A video recording of the panel discussion has been posted to YouTube: 6HyVgfBzcDY.