Presenting the #CAPAL16 Preliminary Conference Program

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the conference organizing committee, I am pleased to present the preliminary program for CAPAL16: Beyond the Library: Agency, Practice, and Society, the third annual conference of the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians (CAPAL). The program can be viewed in full online at: 

In keeping with the Congress 2016 theme, Energizing Communities, CAPAL16 seeks to look “Beyond the Library” to rethink how academic librarians engage with their communities within which our institutions are situated or those with whom we share disciplinary concerns or approaches. Such communities may be physical, epistemic, academic, or imagined communities, communities of identity, or those communities around us and to which we contribute.

We are honored to welcome keynote speakers Leroy Little Bear, Ry Moran, and Dr. Bonnie Stewart. Long-time advocate for First Nations education, Leroy Little Bear served as Director of the Harvard University Native American Program, and helped to design the Bachelor of Management in First Nations Governance at the University of Lethbridge. Dr. Bonnie Stewart serves as the Coordinator for Adult Teaching for the University of Prince Edward Island, where she directs and develops professional education and career development initiatives for a suite of adult education programs. Ry Moran is Director of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) at the University of Manitoba, which is tasked with preserving, protecting and providing access to all materials, statements and documents collected by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). A Metis and graduate of the University of Victoria where he studied political science and history, Moran worked in traditional language preservation with a focus on Michif. In 2008, he received a National Aboriginal Role-Model Award, which led an invitation to Rideau Hall and his involvement with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission as Director of Statement Gathering, and eventually Directorship of the National Research Centre.

Registration for the conference is now open and available at the following link:

Note that Congress fees are cheaper if you register before March 31st.

Please visit our website for further information and updates:

The CAPAL Research & Scholarship Committee is pleased to offer a CAPAL 2016 Preconference Workshop at the University of Calgary on May 28, 2016. For further information and updates, see the pre-conference workshop webpage:

Also, follow us on Twitter at #CAPAL16 and join our Facebook page at to connect with others attending.


Colleen Burgess, Communications Chair