UC Berkeley Faculty Urge the Need to Support More Academic Librarians

In the Report of the Commission on the Future of UC Berkeley Library faculty point out the need for more academic librarians and the need for more knowledge and expertise to address the changing terrain of academic libraries in the next twenty years. The massive quantity of digitized material, resources and scholarship necessitates even more than before the role of academic librarians in the future of academic institutions. The report confirms what members of CAPAL have known for some time, that academic librarians, trained experts in a multitude of disciplines and areas of research are vital in a digital environment to ensure the advancement of knowledge and research in academic communities (for more information on CAPAL’s views and mission statement, see the above tabs). Canadian academic institutions need to take note, as CAPAL members have long advocated for similar core values within universities and colleges across the nation.

The UC Berkeley report promotes three basic needs 1) human expertise 2) a developed infrastructure 3) preservation of knowledge for future generations. The commission concluded “…that the centrality of the Library to the range of learning and research at Berkeley warrants a serious strategy of major reinvestment.” In addition, “Because the health of the entire academic enterprise depends upon the Library, there should be no higher priority for campus investment and no greater responsibility for the Campus Administration and the Academic Senate than the effective stewardship of the Library.” For the full report see FINAL_CFUCBL_report_10.16.13.